Narail District Representative A teenager named Miraj Munshi (15) died due to lightning in Lohagara, Narail. A cow also died due to lightning. The incident took place on Sunday (May 12) around 4:30 pm at Ichamati Bill of Sarushuna village of Lahuria UP in Lohagara upazila. Ujjal Roy, Narail district representative said, Salauddin Sheikh of Sarushuna village said that Miraj Munsi, son of Vipul Munsi of Sarushuna Munsipara village, was doing agricultural work in the Ichamati bill next to his house. Meanwhile, when there was a lightning incident with the rain, Miraj became seriously ill. Local UP member Md Zakir Hossain said that after the incident, local people rescued Miraj Munshi and took him to Narail Sadar Modern Hospital. He died on the way.
Excellent coverage on a timely subject. I’d be curious to know more about the background leading up to this occurrence.
Perhaps a subsequent article could investigate that?